Co-Founder and CEO of AmpliSIM, Olivier Oldrini is an innovation and environmental science enthusiast. Engineer by training and particularly interested in small-scale weather modeling and air quality, he co-founded AmpliSIM with Sylvie Perdriel in order to democratize the use of simulation.
A common vision
AmpliSIM thus offers a SaaS platform to assess, monitor and predict the impact industrial activities or infrastructures have on air. Our approach is based on the idea that we must let the user focus on air quality: AmpliSIM takes care of providing the necessary data – and there are many in environmental modeling – and deploying the calculations in a transparent way. Lastly, exploration and exploitation of results is also highly facilitated.
AQMO is fully aligned with the vision of AmpliSIM and makes it possible to relay this vision beyond pure modeling. AQMO thus offers a completely territorialized platform which integrates a whole system of on-site data acquisition.
AQMO is also a great opportunity to promote the SaaS AmpliSIM solution more strongly to local stakeholders, either directly or through local experts.
AmpliSIM to AQMO
The AmpliSIM platform was developed by a team keen on modeling and which capitalizes on several decades of cumulative experience in digital simulation at the best level. The hyper-innovative nature of our solution has been recognized both at the French level (Agoranov incubator, Adème Innovation Competition, Greentech label from the Ministry of the Environment) and internationally (European PRACE / SHAPE programme for intensive computing, label 1000 solutions of the Solar Impulse Foundation by Bertrand Piccard).
AmpliSIM’s solution thus makes it possible to carry out simulations in an end-to-end mode – from data setting to the exploitation of results – and to simply manage a portfolio of alternative scenarios. This use is particularly important in the AQMO dynamic to answer “What if …?” questions or in crisis management (urgent computing). We can also manage simulations in tracking and forecasting mode: that is to say simulations updated automatically, for example every day, and which integrate field measurements and weather forecasts. It is therefore a question of monitoring the air quality day by day, and most likely for a large audience.
AQMO and SIRANE urban air pollution modeling software
AmpliSIM had already collaborated in another research project with the Atmosphere, Impact & Risk team of the Laboratory of Fluid Mechanics and Acoustics of the Ecole Centrale de Lyon. They are a brilliant team and we immediately thought of them when the idea of AQMO was born. With SIRANE, modeling can thus go down to the street scale in urban modeling, which is completely consistent with the data obtained with on-board sensors.
AmpliSIM’s SaaS solution makes the most of the SIRANE model, in particular in terms of data entry. Indeed, the finer the modeling scale, the more demanding the model is at the necessary data levels, which complicates the work of a study engineer. AmpliSIM facilitates data entry, and SIRANE also benefits from the flexibility offered by our SaaS solution for the calculation and for the exploitation of results.
AQMO as an innovation in air pollution monitoring
Some solutions already exist but are much more expert-oriented for pollution monitoring. With AQMO, we start to work towards something that allows experts to dialogue with non-experts, and in a unified framework and behind the same screen.
It is ultimately the diversity and complementarity of the skills of the partners involved in the project that stand out: high-performance computing, distributed computing, modeling, complex project management, communication protocols, embedded systems, public transport, territorial vision, etc.
Beyond AQMO
AmpliSIM is convinced that very strong synergies are possible, notably with Air Breizh. Their solution is indeed a great tool, beyond carrying out studies, to share simulation results or make data available to third parties who do modeling.